Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Unknown said...

good doggie!!! love it! i added this blog to my favorites! what a great idea! i have had my beagle for a couple of weeks now and i am really lovin' 'beagleship'!

MsAnomaly said...

Beagleship is very interesting! My little guy, Flash was super-hyper-dog when we first got him! He's 3 1/2 now, and really has calmed down - a little too much, sometimes! In Ohio, we've had a very unseasonably HOT autumn so far, and when it's really hot outside, Flash would rather find a cool spot and just SLEEP! I think fall is normally his favorite season, with the cool crisp weather (good "hunting weather"), but he is very disappointed in this one thus far! It does cool down at night, and he expects to get his days'-worth of walks then!