Saturday, October 6, 2007


OH MY GOD!!HELP*HELP*HELP*I should NOT be the leader of the team. I am thouroughly upset that my little girl went for her vet checkup today and it turns out she had RINGWOR EGGS!!!!! I'm freaking out. It doesn't surprise me because I'm always watching her at the dog park cause she likes to sniff poop and roll in poop smells, etc. She also eats out of the cat litter box if I don't guard it with my life. . .To top it off, we had to run the cat back to the vet to have her dewormed just in case. . .The whole thing between visits, vaccinations, etc cost my fiancee and I about $300. . .We have to bring them both back for a second round of vaccines too. I DON'T get it, we are super careful about where they go and what they do (cat is an indoor exclusively cat). I am soooo grossed out that I don't even want to get to close the dog and I feel bad for her. If she wasn't a flippin' POOP-A-HOLIC, this would be a non issue.I've never had a dog with worms before. . .WHAT DO I DO?? Anyone ever had this problem?? I understand its fairly common in hunting dogs, but we live in the city for God's sake???


Unknown said...

sorry to hear that! how awful! i don't have any advice though, but when my lulu goes for walks, she tries to eat poo and sometimes rolls around at the park...i hope she doesn't get that!! yikes!

MsAnomaly said...

goldie, what happened to Penny is NOT your fault! You have been a fabulous team-leader, and are so dedicated to beagles! This blogspot was all your doing, as was getting the Beagle Street Team approved by Etsy. I was telling my neighbor about what happened, and she said their Border collie had roundworm when they got her. The puppy actually got it before she was born, from her mother. These worms are just nasty little creatures that pick on nice dogs. There is no way you could prevent it. It's not even necessarily the dog park's fault; a dog could easily pick up roundworm by licking food scraps or something like that off the ground. Don't be so hard on yourself! The team loves you and we wouldn't even be here if not for you! It is SO obvious you are a wonderful beagle-mommy, as well as a great person! I can only guess how devastated you feel, but this is one of those stupid things that just happens in life, beyond your control. It will turn out O.K. Penny will get better!