Friday, October 5, 2007

Busy day at the dog park. . .

We didn't do much crafting or blogging today, we were at the dog park for a LONG time! No beagles there today, but did meet a nice looking puggle :). I need my team to start sending me posts!!!

1 comment:

MsAnomaly said...

My youngest son wants a pug SO BAD! He found out about puggles and now that's all I hear! Are they too cute? We don't have a dog park here. I guess since this is a small city (pop. approx. 30,000) they figure most dog-owners just walk their dogs in their neighborhoods. It's not the same as letting them loose for a good run-and-play session, though! We thought about fencing in our back yard, which is pretty big, until we got the cost estimate! YIKES! I cheated today and didn't take my turn walking Flash. My youngest son did double-duty, his and my walk. There are 4 of us, and Flash gets a walk from everybody each day! My Eldest son is in the best shape, so he takes him for a good long walk. Flash will tolerate only 3 wpd (walks per day) if one of us is really busy or going somewhere, but less than 3 wpd, and he becomes what we call "Mr. Antsintail!" He keeps whining at the door till he gets his way! Usually it's my poor hubby out walking him at 10 or 11 at night. SPOILED! :0)